Veering from the Path

Due to the Xmas Vortex this was scribbled on a eggnog napkin around December 10th and only posted after presents have been opened.

I know I know..

we’ve talked a lot [will get links] about only focusing one language until you get good.. real good…

and I’ve known this from my own end for some time now.. Took Treehouse and Codecademy and burned through a few of the languages..

and I can’t say I know any of them with a level of depth..


I keep putting off relearning C. I say relearning because I knew it in a very cursory way back when I did radio electronics..

.. but really, C,  I hardly knew it…

Languages have always been means to an end.. printing off reams of results of iterations on those dot matrix printers..

They were always ways of solving simulations and models of fields or systems… so I only ever learned what I absolutely needed then moved on

I need C for CS50x which I am about ready to take.. and I’m restless with JS so it’s just.. it’s just time now to spelunk back into the inner workings of the machine…

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