
#CNC2018 Blog More Challenge

Not much to tell.. spent most of 2017 hanging out in the fCC gitter helpRoom helping out.

That was a 500-brownies goal challenge from the Doer Vlog.

Nothing helps you learn more than helping other’s learn. Or so they say1.

But this year’s challenge thanks to the good people over at CodeNewbie is to blog more.

the #CNC2018 Blog More challenge.

1 Others refute this. but try it. try helping someone out. you very quickly realize where your own gaps in the knowledge is. this is the basis of the Feynman technique.

Veering from the Path

Due to the Xmas Vortex this was scribbled on a eggnog napkin around December 10th and only posted after presents have been opened.

I know I know..

we’ve talked a lot [will get links] about only focusing one language until you get good.. real good…

and I’ve known this from my own end for some time now.. Took Treehouse and Codecademy and burned through a few of the languages..

and I can’t say I know any of them with a level of depth..


I keep putting off relearning C. I say relearning because I knew it in a very cursory way back when I did radio electronics..

.. but really, C,  I hardly knew it…

Languages have always been means to an end.. printing off reams of results of iterations on those dot matrix printers..

They were always ways of solving simulations and models of fields or systems… so I only ever learned what I absolutely needed then moved on

I need C for CS50x which I am about ready to take.. and I’m restless with JS so it’s just.. it’s just time now to spelunk back into the inner workings of the machine…

Spells, chanting, and the search for the Holy Grail

This is probably gonna sound complainey…


honestly! trying to find out how to delete a branch! It’s taking forever!

nice work using git branch to view branches

git branch [name] to create a branch


git branch -d [name] to delete it


what’s wrong with a git delete command??!!

[update] found a git rm to delete a file…

and found a way to delete a remote branch from git bash locally

man. oh. man.


I can understand why yer average just wants Microsoft to update windows while they sleep. Worrying about command line commands is above their pay-grade.

The Magical World of Git

Magical realism: when the real is combines with dream and fantasy.

Revisitting GitHub

it’s been a few months since I used it consistently.

The original idea was to track my 100 days of coding through GitHub since I code on 2 computers… that way I could use one for the GitHub desktop app and the other with git bash. (You might want to use something else yourself…). This, in my own mind of delusions, meant that I would be getting the basics in, as practice everyday.

Somewhere around the end of July I got too far ahead with adding issues on each doc that I knew my merge would crash and it would be messy to deal with it, so I just left it and did the last of the 2nd 100 day run, and the third 100 day run without using git..

anyhoo, back to it. Trying to do daily commits and syncs so that I keep at it and get familiar with the daily use of git for version control.

Just to refresh my brains, I’ve rather randomly run into these two training guides and am using them for review (links are so you can play along at home!):

Version control with Git and GitHub

and Git Immersion

I’ll be commenting on my progress here as well. Not quite a review of the material… just a progress report..

image from Norrin-radd at deviant art.
You can see more of their work here




Not sure how I feel about starting another blog

Almost everything I read suggests it’s a good way to learn and I know this is true from my own experience with self-reflection..

Going back to the ole paper journals well before my original and probably longest (8?? years?) online endeavour (livejournal), keeping a journal lets you document your thoughts.. at the very least.

With my own personal hesitance to blog, I suppose it’s more because I am not someone who outwardly expresses themselves..

I fit into that neat category called introvert: that makes me someone who is more comfortable working on stuff alone, rather than discussing it at length at a party.

I’m sure I’ve posted in various other blogs (ones that I have started and abandoned) many links to articles that talk about the importance of bogging  for your own career and benefit blahblahblah…and yet I’ve yet to keep one going one I stopped doing one for fun.

Not about blogging per say but here‘s one of my favourites. And it’s rebuttal. When I read all of that excitement I think hell yah I should blog.. About what I love. When I finally know what that actually is…

Anyway.. here I am once again throwing my hat into the ring